Welsangeln im Winter

Winter Fishing for Catfish 2010

Vitali Dalke

Winter fishing for catfish 2010: A catfish despite storm and meltwater

February. The snow had melted in the valleys, but the mountain peaks continued to feed the rivers with murky meltwater. Streams swelled, washing mud and branches into the rivers, while the weather forecast predicted hurricane-force winds, constant rain and a full moon - a perfect recipe for disaster. But the urge for adventure in our veins drowned out reason. We set off!

Over the bridge we saw the monster: the river, which had risen four metres, swallowed everything - boats, trees, flotsam. Fishing here? Pure madness!

We headed for a well-known bay where the current was supposed to be weaker. But chaos awaited us there too: a carpet of branches and old leaves blocked access to the water. Improvisation was required. At night we camped under a bridge where we found a flooded riverbed. A patch of land (3x1.5 m), a concrete ledge and a rotten ladder - that was our battlefield.

Winter fishing for catfish under a bridge

Fishing in the cold winter river
The depth sounder showed 5°C - not a good omen. The depth: 4-6 meters near the bridge piers, where the current fought its way through sunken tree trunks. This is where the catfish lurked. Before sunrise we put out four catfish rigs with underwater floats and bundles of earthworms. Then we sank into our sleeping bags - but...

“Wake up! The catfish rod is in the river!”
A catfish bite – and Vadim's tripod splintered, the catfish rod ripped into the water. We rushed to the boat. Vadim rowed, I grabbed the rod, which luckily got caught in the undergrowth. Seconds later I felt the raging weight on the hook. The braided line groaned, got caught in branches. "Don't get caught!" – then a blow! A whipping catfish tail, spray, a fight for life and death. The catfish got tangled in the sunken bank bushes, but Vadim, as quick as a ninja, freed it.

Winter fishing for catfish in the riverWinter fishing for catfish with Vitali Dalke

The storm was approaching
At daybreak we released the catfish back into the murky water. After catching our breath, we tried to catch some non-predatory fish - in vain. At midday the sky darkened, the wind howled, the water ate away our last patch of land. We packed up while nature raged.

catfish fishing in winter

The car broke free, throwing lumps of clay from the tires. Rock music blared from the speakers. We had proven once again that you can catch catfish in winter too! They bite - even in meltwater and storms. And as long as the adventure blood boils in us, the fishing season is non-stop.

PS Catfishing is not just a sport. It is magic – a duel with nature and yourself. And even a February storm cannot stifle this passion for fishing.

Vitali Dalke

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