Winter Fishing for Catfish: The Golden Catfish
Vitali DalkeShare
Winter fishing for catfish: The golden catfish. End of the 2009 season
Winter is a tough test for every catfish angler. But sometimes the icy cold season gives you moments that make you forget everything - like the "golden catfish" that crowned our 2009 season.
The year was a complete success for the euro-som team. But after a disappointing November expedition, we didn't want to end the season without a final highlight. On December 4th at 3 p.m. we set off - goal: a final adventure.
The omens were extremely bad: water temperature 7°C, strong wind, high water and melting snow. But nothing ventured, nothing gained! In the darkness we met Konrad, a local expert, from whom we bought bait fish - and became entangled in endless fishing stories. The evening didn't end until 4 a.m., with the vague plan to go out on the water at 6 a.m. In the end we set off at 11 a.m. - tired but determined.
The river was raging. With Konrad's help, we crossed to the opposite bank, where a deep spot was our last hope. In such conditions, catfish hardly eat - they need up to 14 days to digest a meal. But we had 24 hours. A lottery!

Four catfish rods with underwater floats, tied to stones as weights, and fat crucian carp as bait landed in the depths. Then - the magical moment: A bell rang, the catfish rod bent, the ripcord tore off the stone - and Wadim set the hook! The fight against the current was nerve-racking, but finally a shiny gold winter catfish appeared. Not a monster, but a jewel! After a photo, we released it back into the water - it said goodbye with a powerful thump of its tail.

The night turned into a nightmare: rain, icy wind, missed bites and a cut line on underwater rocks. In the morning we had two more chances - but the catfish escaped. At lunchtime we packed up, frozen but happy.

At the farewell dinner at Konrad's we were already planning the next season. Because even in winter the river is full of life - and sometimes it gives a golden moment that outshines everything: the cold, the tiredness, the defeats. What remains are the images - the glitter of the catfish under the winter sky, the crackling of the campfire, the laughter of the team.
The winter catfish is not an ordinary catch, it is a promise: the season never ends!
Vitali Dalke