Avoid these mistakes when catfishing – tips from Vitali Dalke
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I would like to talk to you about the most common mistakes that many beginners make when fishing for catfish. From my own experience and through working with experienced fishing colleagues, I have put together five key points that often determine success or failure.
1. Wrong equipment: The importance of rod, reel and leader
Many beginners think that they can use their carp rod or some other more robust alternative rod for catfish fishing. Sometimes they resort to cheap, low-quality fishing rods. A big mistake! The first serious catfish bite could result in a real trophy fish getting caught on the hook. If the fishing rod, reel or line doesn't hold, the fish is lost and motivation drops dramatically.

2. Wrong choice of fishing spot: Avoid overfished areas
Another common mistake is choosing an unsuitable fishing spot. Many beginners tend to fish in the same places where they have had success with other methods, such as feeder fishing. But catfish are cautious fish that react strongly to their habitat. They often avoid overfished or busy places.

My Tip: Choose secluded spots where catfish really feel at home. These can be deep waters with lots of obstacles. Even if it's a little more inconvenient, like steep banks or hard-to-reach areas - it's worth it. Finding the right spot is often the key to success. Also watch the gatherings of white fish like bream or roach, because where their prey is, the catfish will appear sooner or later.
3. Wrong bait choice: Use large baits for large catfish
Beginners often tend to use small baits such as worms, small pieces of fish or insect larvae in the hope of catching at least small catfish. However, this often leads to only catching small specimens. In order to catch really big fish, the baits also have to be large.

My tip: Don't be afraid to use large bait. Large catfish have no problem devouring large bait fish. Large bundles of earthworms or large pieces of fish have also proven to be very effective bait. Of course, there are always exceptions where even large catfish will bite on small baits, but to specifically catch large fish, you should stick to the rule of thumb "big bait, big fish".
4. Do catfishing on the side: focus on the catfish
A common mistake is to try to catch catfish while you are actually fishing for other fish. Many anglers set up a catfish rod to one side while they are fishing for carp or other fish species. This rarely leads to a successful catch.

My advice: If you are serious about catching a catfish, focus entirely on it. Choose your fishing spot specifically for catfish and not just because it is convenient or fits in with your other fishing. If you plan to fish with multiple rods, make sure each rod is positioned in a promising spot.
5. Lack of patience and trust: Believe in your strategy
The last but crucial mistake is a lack of patience and confidence in your own strategy. Beginners in particular quickly doubt themselves if no catfish bite after a few hours or days. They change the bait or the spot too often and become restless.

My tip: Be patient and believe in what you are doing. When fishing for catfish, you often have to wait a long time. Use tried and tested techniques and stick with them. Catfish are not easy to outsmart, but with perseverance and confidence in your own actions, you will be successful. And dare to experiment and try something new when fishing for catfish!
Conclusion: Catfish fishing requires preparation and patience
Catfish fishing is challenging and requires not only the right equipment, but also a well-thought-out strategy and a lot of patience. With the right preparation and concentration on the points mentioned, the chances of catching a big catfish are good. If you are unsure or need further tips, check out my YouTube channel or follow me on Instagram and Telegram so you don't miss any updates.
Good luck and good fishing!
Vitali Dalke